A Night at the Museum
By Mani Rogers and Sypher Hawken
It's 1934 and Tutman-Ra, one of the greatest Pharaohs who ever ruled Egypt, has been uncovered in the Valley of the Kings. Tonight is opening night of the grand exhibit at the British Museum and you are all invited as honourable guests for the big event. But there is a shadow looming over the exhibit, with two members of the expedition having died upon their return to England. Newspapers are calling it the "Pharaoh's Curse" and people are afraid to visit the exhibition for fear they too will fall to the curse...
As We Waltzed On
By Daena Dixon
Grandfather Universe has decreed that there has been too much bickering between the current rulers of the Middle Kingdoms and now Mother Earth and Father Sky must step down as rulers so that a new era of peace and harmony may reign. However with so many lords and ladies in attendance, all wanting their own agenda, is there any hope that the Middle Kingdoms will survive and prosper and find a couple prepared to work in harmony for its future?
Bad Dreams: Electric Sheep
By Vanya Essin, Porl Bowdler, Gareth Sandford and Allen Shaw
What does it mean to be human? A long time ago, people used to know, but what does it mean to be human when you can upload your mind into the machine? When we are implanted with cybernetic chips at birth? All this technology, made to make our lives easier, but all we have left is despair. It is okay though, the next line of cybernetic upgrades fixes the despair bug. The Corps rule the world now and everything is a product. Everything is for sale, if you can meet their price. Those who live in the Pyramids of Eurocorp get a nice sterile life, in a never-ending rat race of getting that one-step higher in the Pyramid. If you’re unlucky enough to be born on the low streets though, you get to live in a continual smog of irradiated pollution, it's okay though, the gangs can provide all the same services, maybe not quite as sterile though...
Bilgerats and Buccaneers
By Tigger Brunton and Anna Klein
Shiver me timbers, it’s that time of year again! Once a year a truce among all the pirates is called and the 10 most dastardly captains gather at the most dangerous pub in all the seven seas. Each captain is allowed one (hopefully loyal) assistant, to accompany them into the meeting. They gather to settle scores, balance the ledger and most importantly, decide who claims the coveted position of Captain of the Sea. Whoever claims that prize reaps all the benefits it brings: the best trade lanes to plunder, free grog in every pub in the Caribbean and of course the coveted crown of Poseidon! Be warned, the competition is cunning, the grog is strong, no-one is to be trusted and only the bold will sail into infamy.
Blood and Iron: Teutonic
By Kirk Jacinto
As the mist of the Baltic Sea slowly move across the coast of North Eastern Europe, the drums of war sound. This event is equal parts "Capture the Flag", "King of the Hill", and "Command and Conquer". This is a medieval combat larp, with conflicting sides, open diplomacy and hidden agendas.
Bombini Bombus
By Emily Riordan
A day in the life of a bee - but not just any day, and not just any bee...
The Captain's Table
By Robert Shaw and Linda Cormack
To those that know it, The Captain's Table is many things. Every Captain that's been there will tell you this is more than a simple bar, and every Captain will tell you of a different way to get there. All agree on one thing though, there's no better place to go to take the pressures of command off your shoulders. There isn't a finer group of drinking partners anywhere on the seas, in the skies, or in the universe. The great equalizer they tell you, is that every single person that visits, stays, and works in the bar is a Captain. Other than that, they say no more, but with a slight smile, invite you to come along one time, one Captain to another...
Evil Overlord Society Inc.
By Linda Cormack and Robert Shaw
It's that time of year again, time for the bi-annual AGM of the Evil Overlord Society Inc, hosted by the deliciously creepy Lady Webb. This event is by invitation only for Society Overlords and Official Henchmen, to discuss, debate and vote on current matters pertaining to those of the Evil persuasion. While chief among these matters is the unexpected and vexing return of dashing hero Captain Hammer, other matters of dastardly business may also arise. As always, conduct of personal business is not frowned upon but guests are encouraged to refrain from practices such as double-crossing until after voting is concluded. Please note maniacal laughter is for laugh-licensed Overlords only. For those uncouth enough to resort to violence, out of courtesy to the hostess please keep things relatively tidy, as reparations will be sought for any damages incurred.
Fall of the Jaguar Gods
by Naomi Guyer and Chris Rosedale
A game set in the time of the Mayans. It is the end of Wayeb, the unlucky days. Tonight, the King of Tikal holds a Festival to mark the start of the next solar year. With ambassadors from neighbouring kingdoms as special guests, it should be an entertaining and festive evening for all.
Flight 665: Safety First
By Vivian Leigh, Jack Waller, Yahn Darkwood, Daniel Carleton and Shetland Power
Kia Ora to those travellers that have now joined us at Auckland Airport. Welcome to Panam Airways Flight 665, from Los Angeles to Sydney, via Auckland, New Zealand. Departing Auckland on February the 28th, 1966 at 22:00; we will be arriving in Sydney, Australia following the 3 hour leisure flight from Auckland. There will be nibbles and refreshments served in this flight. Smoking is allowed outside of the plane only. A larp of drama, intrigue and hijinks, one mile high - nothing could possibly go wrong!
KiL Quest III: Destroy the Goblin King
T.K. Patuwai-Findlay
Calling all mercenaries. The Duchy of Lionmane in the Kingdom of Infinite Light is willing to hire any who call themselves heroes to help stem the flow of goblins that have overrun a portion of our Western Hills. You will receive your instructions from the village of High-Point. Hunt down the Goblin King and destroy him and all who follow him. May Jah protect you (But a sword and armour wouldn’t hurt).
Monsters versus Monsters
By Hannah Jackson and Scott Kelly
Take a group of children, concerned with the issues of their families, their friends and day-to-day living in modern New Zealand. Take a group of professionals, trying to do their job of collecting energy to meet the demands of their own civilised society. Pit them against each other, and we have Monsters versus Monsters. A light-hearted riff on the movie Monsters Inc (no previous knowledge is required). This is a mostly PG rated game with emphasis on character interactions and roleplaying.
New Voices in Art
By Tor Kjetil Edland, Arvid Falch, and Erlin Rognli. Facilitated at Chimera by Malcolm Harbrow
You are the New Voices in Art - the hottest new artists, young and old, hopin to make a splash on the scene and make their careers. Tonight, you and a few hangers-on are gathered at an informal paty in the gallery before the opening of the exhibition. But is your artwork good enough to win the Grand Award, and do you want it anyway? This is a Scandinavian style larp about ambition, ambivalence, and feeling alone in the world. We will be using contemporary art to symbolise our yearning for success and fulfilment as creative individuals, and explore themes related to that through play. This s a low-plot, high-immersion game.
No Quarter
By Allen Shaw and Nik Crombie
Life in the future? Fabulous! Easy, and full of amazing technology! Then nuclear warfare, biochemical weaponry and manufacturing pollution devastated the world. Those lucky enough to see it coming and those unfortunate enough to survive are now struggling to continue. Welcome to the Brave New World.
Party Down at the Glass House
by Claire Ahuriri
Glass House is the hottest show on TV right now. The house mates are all hot and young and were chosen by the producers for their gigantic egos and personalities and their thirst for fame. The make ups, the break ups, the fights, the hook ups - all of this is an equation for the highest rating show on TV right now. But tonight the stakes are raised: the whole purpose of this house party episode is to throw in the biggest change yet. Today one member of the house will get voted out, and one of the house guests will get voted in.
The Phoenix Project
Written by Robert McLaughlin, adapted by David Harrop
A top secret military project has come under scrutiny of top senate officials for cost overruns, further to add to the list of problems a recent accident has now drawn official investigation by the NSA for suspected terrorist activity involved with potential sabotage of this secret military program. The military are staying tight lipped. Two groups of very different investigators have been sent to Montauk Air Force Base, on separate missions. will they shut down the project, find spies or terrorists infiltrating the air force, or is there something all the more sinister happening in the name of national security?
Raids at Dusk
by Daniel Carleton
"My brethren, we gather this fine evening with one goal in mind, to rid the land of the terror that is red camp. Their bloody colours have always been of great offence to us, we can allow it no longer. Those red shirts must die, their blood must be spilt, their flags must fall!" ~ the final word of Balthor the Blue.
Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow
By Prema Cottingham
England, 1190. King Richard has gone off to crusade in the holy land, leaving his lands in the hands of his younger brother, Prince John, an evil tyrant. The land is a dangerous place, the towns ruled by the likes of the loathsome Sheriff of Nottingham, the forests crawl with bandits. It’s risky to leave your homes at all, but the chance at winning the golden arrow is too good to pass up (and an opportunity to rub elbows with royalty wouldn’t go amiss). Rumour has it the infamous outlaw Robin Hood might be crashing the party too. Come and join in the festivities, they’re bound to be a lark (if you like espionage, kidnapping, true love, cross-dressing, the occasional assassination and such shennagins)
Run the Heart
by Nick Wolf
A strange little cafe hidden away in a corner of the CBD has attracted your attention. Perhaps you've heard about its house rule; that you have to treat all A.I., robots, and humans equally while ther. Maybe you've heard on the urban legend forums that it's a good place to access the mythic Other Space through the city's 'net. You might have come to the cafe on a date with your house-roid, away from the judging eyes on the street. Possibly you want to talk to a human on equal ground for once, in contrast to your constant servitude. Run the Heart cafe opens up a lot of opportunities in this digital age of augmented reality and robot servants, opportunities not everyone is pleased with.
By Michael K Young, facilitated by Ellen Boucher
A Hellmouth has opened in Mount Laurel, New Jersey and sixteen well known characters have come from across space and time to close it. Snape/Harry. Kirk/Spock. Angel/Xander. Mary Sue/Everyone. A very silly and brain breaking game
Steampunk Alive! The Last Express
By Joseph Outram
1865 and all is not well within the realms of Europe. The Industrial Radical Party has ruled over England for more than thirty years, but the hold that it had over the United Kingdom is beginning to erode. Since the failed attempt at robbing the Rothchild Express some ten years ago, the Irish independence movement has been growing in numbers, power and rebellious spirit. Not long after the attempted robbery of the Rothchild Express in London, Ireland would declare its independence from the United Kingdom and form an independent Republic. This would cause a ripple throughout the political world and has led to a number of countries choosing sides in what could potentially escalate into open conflict. There are already rumours of armies being amassed and waiting for an excuse to attack. This is the background as Lord Rothchild undertakes his next great scheme, being a train line that has been dubbed the Orient Express by the press.
Struck to the Quick
By Russ Kale and William Shakespeare
Raumati High School's seventh-form drama class has developed such a reputation after their productions of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and 'Twelfth Night' that they've been invited to the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival. This version of 'The Tempest' might not go as smoothly as anyone hoped, though, least of all because you somehow wound up stranded at a truck stop with no cellphone reception.
Tesla's Wedding
By Catherine Pegg
Europe, 188-. While that poky set of islands under Victoria are oohing and aahing over lightbulbs, the continent from brilliant Paris to chill Russia indulges in a glorious romp of a technical revolution. Glories and abominations of Nature and Artifice abound and many are the men and women who seek to bridle them. But meanwhile, in a quiet town in the middle of a black forest, Pierre de l'Eclaire and Tesla von und zu Drakenwyrm politely thumb their noses at their feuding families and celebrate a peaceful year since the founding of their model town Bellecoeur by finally getting married. Will the wedding come off without a kidnapping or explosion? Just what is Doctor Quaere Boungle's secret? Can [insert name here]'s machinations be foiled in time? And where, where I say, is my tea??? Find out in Tesla's Wedding!
Tournament of Champions
Facilitated by Derek Tomes
Hear yea, hear yea, hear yea! Be it known to all men and women who profess excellence in skill at arms, that on Saturday the 31st of August, at one hour past noon, there shall be a coming together of like-minded people. These stalwart warriors will compete on foot, with sword and shield, axes and maces, single sword and great weapons. They shall fight in the round and across the barrier until one of them clearly has held the field against all comers. That person shall have earned the title of "Tournament Champion, Chimera 2013."
Victoria Junction
By Nickey Barnard, Jerry Elsmore, Alex Jones, Sue Lee, Tym Norris, Mark Steedman. Facilitated by Stephanie Pegg
The sleepy junction station at Temple Normaton, where the privately owned Woodthorpe Junction Railway meets the North Midlands Railway, has become a hive of activity today as it prepares for the arrival of Her Imperial Majesty Queen Victoria. Her Majesty is expected to have a meal at the Railway Hotel prepared by the celebrated chef Alphonso O'Brien before travelling on to lay the foundation stone at Duckmorton Hospital. Hotel manager Henrietta Loverage is understood to be preparing for the Royal entourage to be accommodated overnight should they be delayed at the Hospital, supported by her outstanding concierge Archibald Albright. Bernard Perks, Station Master, has spent hours preparing the station gardens for the visit. The floral display of the Royal Crest is particularly splendid. The General Manager of the North Midlands Railway, Wilbert Vere, arrived this morning to ensure nothing goes wrong. Local magistrate and landowner Lady Augusta Woodthorpe will greet Her Majesty and welcome her to Temple Normanton.
The Zone
By William McCartney
The Zone is a survival horror larp. In 1996, a mysterious and largely unknown location, referred to only as “The Zone”, appeared. It is an area in which lie many dangers, and many rich rewards for those who find themselves within its perimeter. The outer Zone is constantly guarded by military patrols, minefields, and barbed wire, keeping those foolish enough to explore the area out, and those who have got past, in. It is unknown how the Zone came to be, and how many of its hazards have come to exist. What is known is the heart of the zone, deep underground, frequent pulses of radiation emit, contaminating many things close by.
The Rose and Dragon
Written by Dave Agnew, Martin Clyde, Mike Curtis, Claire Ahuriri, Malcolm Harbrow, Donna Giltrap, Matt Swain, Helen Jones-Ripley and Ryan Paddy
At Chimera 2013 we invite you to step into another milieu. With 160 players spread across four venues, our flagship game The Rose and the Dragon will bring to life the great hall, the humble village, the forest folk and the war camps of England in the Middle Ages, all in one massive event.
It is the Year of Our Lord 1221, and the fourteen-year-old boy Henry III is King of England. His reign is marked by struggle against the Magna Carta, which his father King John was forced to sign by the barons. Civil war beckons between his noble supporters and those who seek to constrain the royal powers and call a parliament.
It is an age of vast contrast between the educated nobles and illiterate peasants, the god-fearing clergy and violent knights. Kings rise and fall, realms are gained and lost, and the intrigues of village life may touch even the mighty. The village children sleep restlessly, for tomorrow will be the best day of the year. The dancing! So many strangers! And the parade!