Tesla's Wedding


Catherine Pegg


  • Able Airman Reginald Blakeney - Able Airman of the Good Ship Gracious Farewell
  • Ajax - Minion, knows where their hat is
  • Ambassador Eduardo Meurig - Courteous politician
  • Apple Melancholy Tailer - Mad scientist's beautiful daughter
  • Cabin Boy Alex - New crew of the Good Ship Gracious Farewell
  • Captain Ebeneser Tvit - Ferocious captain of the Good Ship Gracious Farewell
  • Constable Tarrant - British police constable
  • Cousin Bernard von und zu Dradenstein - Sinister Cousin
  • Doctor Promethea Tailer - Scientist who isn't mad at all, she she swears
  • Engineer Throgmorton - of the Gracious Farewell
  • Eustacia of the Terrible Gleam - Villager
  • Farmer Guy - Also known as Guy the Farmer
  • First Mate Uriah Heaphy - Legitimate Airfarer of the Gracious Farewell
  • Jacqueline Skysey - Expert technician
  • Lucius Shiningstar - Private man of business
  • Mechanical Turkey - Villager and retired chess-player
  • Michel Nostrade - French journalist
  • Miss Astrid Senterwing von und zu Drakenwyrm - Sweet cousin
  • Miss Eugenie de l'Eclair - Upright cousin
  • Miss Laura Lanstead - Traveller passing through
  • Miss Melusine Montagne - Young miss
  • Mr Basil Gustave Eugene de l'Eclaire - Prospective father-in-law
  • Papperaccia (The Mosquito) Culiseta - Elisavetan journalist
  • Pastor Prickle Dimly - Spiritual shepherd
  • Pierre de l'Eclaire - The Groom!
  • Ryan Dobb - Expert technician
  • Simon de l'Eclaire - The dashing older brother
  • Sissy Spoon - Villager and expert grower of basil
  • Tesla von und zu Drakenwyrm - The Bride!
  • Warlock - Minion, very good with a shovel.


Steampunky. Varies from Rough Workman to Lavish Aristocrat with a few excursions through Sky Pirate, Mad Scientist, and British.

Please Note

Originally run as "Perambulate We Merrily"

GM Contact

Catherine: theamazingcatherine@gmail.com


"Perambulate we, merrily:
Mind the electricity!
Celebrate with cups of tea -
All for Tesla's wedding."

"Red her lips as cinnabar,
Eves bright as a furnace core.
Heart that's fierce in peace and war,
Is our darling Tesla..."

Europe, 188-. While that poky set of islands under Victoria are oohing and ahing over lightbulbs, the continent from brilliant Paris to chill Russia indulges in a glorious romp of a technical revolution. Glories and abominations of Nature and Artifice abound and many are the men and women who seek to bridle them...

But meanwhile, in a quiet town in the middle of a black forest, Pierre de l'Eclaire and Tesla von und zu Drakenwyrm politely thumb their noses at their feuding families and celebrate a peaceful year since the founding of their model town Bellecoeur by finally getting married.

To celebrate in proper style, they have invited all the Friends and Enemies of their Adventuring Years. While most of the townsfolk dance the Mekanista outside with an ox-roast and syncopated fireworks (to do the thing up proper), you, all you Mad Scientists and Zeppelin Pirates and Eccentric Relatives and Abominations of Nature and Benighted Travellers, have retired into the gilt-edged town hall and community centre to watch Pierre and Tesla Jump the Broomstick!

Will the wedding come off without a kidnapping or explosion? Just what is Doctor Quaere Boungle's secret? Can [insert name here]'s machinations be foiled in time? And where, where I say, is my tea???

Find out in Tesla's Wedding!