26 Jul 2024 (6:00pm) – 28 Jul 2024 (1:00pm)
Venue: Kiwanis Lodge, 1331 Huia Road, Huia, Auckland
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/207806434451086
Players: $165, avatar-game-3-fire-player.lilregie.com
Crew: $85, avatar-game-3-fire-crew.lilregie.com
$10 discount for NZLARPS members
The town of Zhengfu enjoys a tentative peace that many thought would never come. The Fire Festival went off without a hitch, the Head Sage still has his hat, and everyone came together to enjoy traditions old and new. The spirit activity around the town also peaked with the coming of the Solstice, and has now largely settled. Those in tune with such things can still feel a strangeness around town, but to most, things seem to have returned to normal.
Governor Hongdai is largely in control of town business and doing their utmost to downplay any rumours of rebel activity in the town while Major Sho has seen to it that any high ranked visitors to the town receive a personal guided tour to quash any ideas that the town could be riddled with nefarious intent.
Underneath all this, the Rebellion is taking the chance to consolidate, many separate groups working to build, grow, gain knowledge, resist.
It has been a couple of quiet months since the Summer Solstice. Some would say almost too quiet…
All public documents can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bS2GBuvb0PxyCPJXlNRWyL5sBb_3Dkkb?usp=sharing
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