
Auckland, 18 February, 2024

All Day

Venue: Oratia Small Hall, 567 West Coast Road, Oratia, Auckland
Players & Crew: $20

It is time for the annual Fire Festival, and after the recent turmoil, the town is looking forward to some fun. Traditionally, this was a masquerade event, and celebrated both the current and past Fire Lords. Some still adhere to the old values, while others want it to represent something new, but irregardless of their views, everyone intends to put aside their arms for the duration, and show that Zhengfu is still prosperous and safe despite the unrest. For the Zhengfu community, and the wider nation as a whole, this is a perfect chance to relax.

The Noble families have traditionally used this time to holiday, and as a way to network, so during this time many families from near and far will be in attendance. It is not unheard of for them to offer sizable donations to their favourites in the Talent Show and Zhengfu’s Annual Pie Competition.

This will be a combat lite social game. We will organise some light snacks, but if you would like to bring along a snack to share or a pie for the competition then please do! This is also a perfect chance for those who would like to bring along instruments, fire and flow toys, or other talents to show off for the festivities.

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