Want to know more about NZLarps, find out what's happening in your region, or just want to know what Larping is all about? You've come to the right place.
The New Zealand Live Action Role Playing Society Inc is a non-profit organisation that supports larp in New Zealand.
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable time at NZLARPS events. To help everyone achieve this, we have adopted the Code of Conduct.
Below is a list of regions we know of in New Zealand that have larps and larp-running groups. You can view region specific events on these pages, or view all upcoming events in our Events section.
If you haven't already, you should check out the NZ larp forum Diatribe sometime, at www.diatribe.co.nz (external link) . It's a great place to meet with fellow larpers and find out about the scene. Check out the Welcome to Diatribe (external link) forum for an introduction.
Once you've found one or more larps that you like the sound of, contact the organisers to book into an event and you're ready to go.
If you can't find any larps in your area, check your local roleplaying game store for notices. There are probably many larps running that the society doesn't know about. Otherwise, consider starting a larp yourself. NZLARPS will be happy to support you.
There are also many benefits to becoming an NZLARPS member, and we'll be more than happy to keep you in touch with your local larp scene.
New to the whole Larping thing? Want to find out what Larping is all about? We have a website just for you! Check out http://whatislarp.larpnz.nz/ (external link)
The constitution is the founding document of our incorporated society, stating our structure and vision. To download the Constitution right-click the following link then select "Save As": NZLARPS Constitution [PDF, 133 KB]