Welcome to Sunny Valley
Cheryl Frederick
- The Baker - Geraldine Nuffield (F)
- The Builder - Billy Turner (M)
- The Builder's Wife - Betty Turner (F)
- The Butcher - Joshua Trent (M)
- The Dancer - Felicity Bower (F)
- The Doctor - Daniel(le) Freedman (M/F)
- The Farmer - Seamus McCallum (M)
- The Fisherman - William Babbich (M)
- The Fisherman's Wife - Natasha Babbich (F)
- The New Guy - Arthur/Alice Cottenham (M/F)
- The Priest - Samuel Zeikman (M)
- The School Teacher - Amy Whitshire (F)
- The Seamstress - Gloria Cairne (F)
- The Sherriff - Jethro Nuffield (M)
- The Tavernkeeper - George/Georgina Oak (M/F)
Modern day, can be as elaborate or simple within the stereotype as the player wishes. Street clothes even possible. Extras are GM provided.
GM Contact
Cheryl: dairota@hotmail.com
Welcome to Sunny Valley, one of the most pleasant and tranquil places on Earth. The weather is mild, the soil is fruitful, and the people are friendly. But every village has its secrets, and things are not always what they seem...