Colonel Sebastian T. Rawhide's Circus of the Spectacular
By Mike Young. Run by Michelle Burt.
For 14-22 players. Characters include:
The Performers
- The Flying Credenza Brothers
- Binky The Clown
- The Lion Tamer
- The Fire Eater/Sword Swallower
- Zelda The Clown
- The Masked Rider
- The Knife Thrower
- Zimmie the Clown
- the Great Zamboni
The "Freaks" and Sideshow Performers
- The Strong Woman
- The Siamese Twins
- The Bearded Lady
- Bobo the Dog Faced Boy
- Senora Mysterioso, snake charmer and fortune teller
- Lydia, the Tattooed Lady
And the rest!
- Colonel Rawhide
- Colonel Rawhide's fiancee Daisy Bell
- Jack Bungling, owner of a rival circus
As per circus performers! Specifics given at casting.
Join Colonel Sebastian T. Rawhide and his Circus of the Spectacular as they return to America from their triumphant tour of Europe where they performed for kings and heads of state. But the Circus is ailing financially. Can the valiant members of the Circus save the show from the clutches of the nefarious Bungling Brothers?