Much Ado About Something

Alas, poor Shakespeare here lies done to death
By hands unknown his life away was borne
His stopped heart echoes his silent breath
His characters alone remain to mourn
Though the artist is slain, his works extend
Bright heroes whose lives his art attested
Now gather they to learn from Will's own pen
In whose name title to the plays vested
Lover, fighter, lady and thane, rare sprite
Each hope to receive the playwright's gift
Each seek to diminish the other's right
Or learn which other set Will's life adrift
Come, open-hearted and open-handed
Depart enriched, or a killer branded


Alan Schwartz, run by Malcolm Harbrow


There are 16 characters.

Theseus, Duke of Athens (M) A Midsummer Night's Dream

Hippolyta, Duchess of Athens, Queen of the Amazons (F) A Midsummer Night's Dream

Macbeth, Thane of Glami (M) Macbeth

Lady Macbeth of Glamis (F) Macbeth

Tybalt Capulet, a swordsman of Verona (M) Romeo and Juliet

Romeo Montague, a young gentleman of Verona (M) Romeo and Juliet

Juliet Capulet, a young gentlewoman of Verona (F) Romeo and Juliet

Lysander, a young gentleman of Athens (M) A Midsummer Night's Dream

Demetrius, a young gentleman of Athens (M) A Midsummer Night's Dream

Helena, a young gentlewoman of Athens (F) A Midsummer Night's Dream

Hermia, a young gentlewoman of Athens (F) A Midsummer Night's Dream

Rosaline, a young woman of Verona (F) Romeo and Juliet

Friar Laurence, a friar of Verona (M) Romeo and Juliet

Serafina, a nurse (F) Romeo and Juliet

Verula, an old woman (F) Macbeth

Plus, an Extra

The characters have determinate genders, but this being Shakespeare, crossdressing is fine.


Default to renaissance, but can be from any interpretation from any of the plays noted. If you want to be SciFi Romeo, or Nazi MacBeth, then that's fine.

GM Contact



People are encouraged to read the summaries of the plays at the Shakespere Resource Center:

Midsummer Night's Dream:


Romeo & Juliet:

The game includes a wake. Players are encouraged to bring something to allow their characters to toast the memory of their Creator, William Shakespeare.


Hear ye, hear ye! By order of Theseus, Duke of Athens, ye are hereby summoned to the reading of ye Last Wille of William Shakespeare, poet and playwright, recently discovered slain by unknown causes. Shakespeare's Legacy includes the title to his complete works, which some believe may one day have value.

A memorial service shall be held, followed by a wake, and then a reading shall commence.

Claimants receiving this summons are below listed in order of rank. Any who fail to appear at ye reading shall forfeit all claim to Shakespeare's works henceforth.

Note well that all weapons are forbidden at the reading of the wille, and any who brings such will be immediately disinherited.

Photo from Chimera 2009