Jade Empire - Zhen Zhu Chie ('Pearls of Wisdom')
Erin Hockings
5 to 10 player spaces. 5 crew required. Please specify on your Game Selection form if you are wanting crew or player spaces.
Oriental costuming (GM can assist)
No knowledge of the setting/rules required, but would be nice. All at jadeempire.larp.co.nz.
GM Contact
Erin: jadeempire@larp.co.nz
The great monastery of Water (Miao Shui), on the island of Shui, has long been prophesied to hold secrets of great import and power. Now, many monks and nuns are seeing visions, and the monstrous Awabi that live in the area grow restless. What power is rising here, and how will it affect the Jade Empire? A group of brave samurai are being gathered to find out...