The Curse of the Pharaoh
To be announced
Name Description Sex Costume ideas
Sir William Saville Renowned archaeologist and leader of the dig M 'Professor' clothes - tweed jacket, maybe a pipe. Or evening dress.
Ariadne Price-Evans Veteran translator of Egyptian inscriptions F A long dress or blouse and long skirt, with a high collar and long sleeves. Hair could be scraped back into a severe bun.
Hugh Carlaw Enthusiastic young student M 'Archaeologist' clothes, khaki, pith helmet - maybe shorts and knobbly knees! Or evening dress.
Helen Mackinnon The belle of Oxford F A delightful frock, preferably with a high neck - the 'English Rose' look. Ideally, with a straw hat.
Shahfeez Merouf Mysterious Arab, the Curator of the Luxor Museum M Elaborate Middle Eastern robes, with a head-dress.
Alvy Spanheim Cultural Attaché at the German Consulate M Dress as formally as possible, with a top hat if male. Maybe a monacle, to look more Germanic.
Eva de Chalons Dilettante and art connoisseur F Glamorous evening dress with a plunging neckline, gloves, cigarette holder... the works!
Lindsay Wilde Also wild by nature, a brooding misfit on the archaeological scene M/F Dress similarly to Hugh or Helen, depending on gender.
Robert Tregarne Detyective Sergeant in the Colonial Police M Police uniform if available, if not then everyday clothes with a sturdy jacket.
Loosely turn-of-the-century formal.
Minimal, briefings will be given on the night.
GM contact
To be announced.

The Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt. 23 April 1894. The excavation season will soon be over, as the baking sun makes digging unbearable, but the Oxford University archaeologists lead by Sir William Saville have made a startling discovery. Tonight, the team and their guests prepare to enjoy a slap-up dinner to celebrate the uncovering of the tomb of a previously unknown XVIth Dynasty pharaoh. But while the archaeologists make merry, dark clouds gather, internal tensions among the group burst to the surface and one of the local diggers is brutally murdered.

This is a theatreform game from the FreeForm Games company in the UK.